To achieve this QLA objective, we provide programs, books, courses, events, and initiatives that operate on a grassroots level and top-down basis (through organizations and institutions) to educate, engage and inspire people to action. Planned Acts of Kindness also offers a variety of internship programs as well as volunteer positions for all levels of people looking to help join our cause to improve the world and quality of life for all.
The answer is simple: Act. That’s all it takes. And Planned Acts of Kindness provides the system that makes it easy, gratifying and impactful.
Read though our programs and learn how small Planned Acts of Kindness and our other outreach, engagement, education, inspiration and action programs can make a difference in our quest for “Quality of Life” for all.
So “Be The Hero” and have the positive energy you put out in the world helping others, and then, may it also come back to help you, your family and your future.
And all you have to do to get started is follow one small word: Act.
Get Involved & Be The Hero!
PAK in the NEWS
3 NPOs with 40+ groundbreaking collaborative action programs, books, courses, workshops, events & initiatives — all fully aligned with the UN 17 SDGs
It’s a simple Karma-based formula: The more we receive, the more we’re able to give back. What goes around, comes around: From you to us to them and back to you, us, and them. Simple. Be The Hero for yourself, your family, and the future of the planet.
Donations can be any of the following: Funds, Products, Goods, Services, Sponsorships, Grants, or Community Service Space. All is Needed. All is Welcome. All is Appreciated.
These are needed and used to scale up our outreach, engagement, education, inspiration, and action programs and initiatives around the world.
From clothing to computers to green goods. From PR to HR to CSR to ROI. From admission tickets to advertising space to airline miles. All can work to expand our engagement, and recognize and reward people around the globe.
Advertising • Analytics • Animation • App Development • Architecture / Interior Design • Broadcasting • Business • Business Development • Communication • Computer Information Science • Corporate Social Responsibility • Data Analytics • Design • Economics • Education • Entrepreneurship • Events • Engineering • Environment • Financial Services • Game Development • Government • Graphics • Grant Writing • Health • Human Resources • Insurance • Information Tech. • Journalism • Legal Issues • Leadership • Management • Marketing • Merchandising • Office Tech. • Politics • Programming • Product Dev. • Promotions • Psychology • Public Policy • Public Relations • Publishing • Social Media • SDGs • Supply Chain Mgt • Sustainability • Taxation • United Nations • Video Production • Visual Communication • Web Development • Wellness • Writing • Youth Initiatives
Customized Branded Cause Books Addressing Local, National & Global Issues
& The Actionable Solutions that We All Can Do to Be The Hero!
Individual Books or Bulk Sales for Groups & Institutions. School & Home School Programs. Sponsorships, Partnerships & Fund-Raising available with Custom Branded Books, Apps & Workshops
Ask your company, school, or org to contact us to learn how easy it is to add “The Working Dead” Book, “Money Matters Mastery” course, and Custom Benefits Programs to your employee (and family) benefits programs.
If you know someone that lost a loved one, give them the book that can help them create a keepsake to keep the joy & happiness alive. Volunteers and Sponsors wanted to provide books free to anyone that suffered a loss due to COVID-19.
Applying Corporate Social Responsibility for the Benefit of Employees, Contractors & Families while Boosting CSR, HR, PR, Branding, Revenue & ROI Objectives
Relying on work-related 401k, 403b, 457 retirement plans benefits wall street, banks, companies, and the government. Regardless of your education, income, or success, most people don’t know how they can build a solid financial foundation based on safety, growth, protections, and tax advantages that benefits themselves and their families. We can help educate and analyze and turn knowledge into an optimal financial plan for you that can even lead to generational wealth.
Relying on work-related 401k, 403b, 457 retirement plans benefits wall street, banks, companies, and the government. Regardless of your education, income, or success, most people don’t know how they can build a solid financial foundation based on safety, growth, protections, and tax advantages that benefits themselves and their families. We can help educate and analyze and turn knowledge into an optimal financial plan for you that can even lead to generational wealth.
Hubs are fully customizable spaces that exceed both company office and employee objectives for productivity, sustainability, environmental factors, technology, connectivity, comfort, safety, and style while adding in Quality of Life programs.
Hubs are fully customizable spaces that exceed both company office and employee objectives for productivity, sustainability, environmental factors, technology, connectivity, comfort, safety, and style while adding in Quality of Life programs.
Be The Hero! Learn how to Volunteer through your company or organization and help support groundbreaking initiatives that make a tremendous difference to individuals, families, communities, your clients & your company.
Be The Hero! Learn how to Volunteer through your company or organization and help support groundbreaking initiatives that make a tremendous difference to individuals, families, communities, your clients & your company.
Applying CSR to Employee Relations to Provide Winning Work/Life Balance Solutions
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: Water Crisis Forces Cities to Confront Their Own Aging Infrastructure
BUSINESS INSIDER: Climate scientist says total climate breakdown is now inevitable
FAST COMPANY: Quiet quitting seems to have pissed almost everyone off at once as it spread like wildfire
BLOOMBERG BUSINESSWEEK: Covid-19 Hit Supply Chains Hard. Climate Shocks May Hurt More
THE WASHINGTON POST: World Bank warns global economy may suffer 1970s-style stagflation
FAST COMPANY: Mental health at work: It’s (finally) time to talk about it
TIME: A Growing Number of Young People Are Attempting Suicide by Self-Poisoning
FORTUNE: Climate change and drought look set to worsen food inflation, as Iowa corn crop is ‘underwhelming’
CNN: Dangerous heat waves to at least triple across the world by 2100, study says
FAST COMPANY: Most workers think their companies’ diversity policies are BS
POPULAR MECHANICS: The World’s Oceans Are Dying Right Before Our Eyes
BARRON’S: The U.S. and China Aren’t Talking Climate. Should We Worry?
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: Why the Energy Transition Will Fail
THE WASHINGTON POST: Analysis | Five 1,000-year rain events have struck the U.S. in five weeks. Why?
FAST COMPANY: Apple employees are the latest to push back against tech companies’ return-to-office plans
BLOOMBERG: RBA’s Kearns Warns Climate Change Set to Impact Financial System
POPULAR SCIENCE: For marine life to survive, we must cut carbon emissions
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: A Group of Apple Employees Protests Company’s Three-Day-a-Week Office Policy
USA TODAY: Nuclear war between US, Russia would leave 5 billion dead from hunger, study says
What Goes Around Comes Around — Three Ways To Help Others
& Yourself, Your Family & Your Future at the Same Time
Collaborate through our books, programs & initiatives and expand your outreach, engagement, and income!
Be The Hero!
To scale up our Quality of Life programs, we need your help. You can donate to our general fund and even to specific programs!
Stand Out from the Crowd!
Our groundbreaking Engagement/Action & Work/Life Balance Programs will boost Your CSR, HR, PR & ROI objectives and pay dividends for Shareholders & Stakeholders alike!
Fantastic. Please give us your name, email, and program interest, and we will get you the next steps. We’re excited to have you on board!
Fantastic. Please give us your name, email, and program interest, and we will get you the next steps. We’re excited to have you on board!