Over the past decade, we have developed over 40 programs, books, courses, workshops, events, and initiatives designed to engage and inspire people of every race, religion, nationality, age, gender, experience, education, or income.
We can no longer afford to do business, education, or government the same way as in the past — the problems of the world are simply too large and too dangerous. We must stop the fractional approach we have always used and collaborate to succeed or possibly even survive.

CSR Programs & Initiatives that Connect & Produce Action
CSR Programs & Initiatives that Connect & Produce Action
H.E.A.R.T. Education for Quality of Life (E-QL) are Education & Action Programs Designed to Engage & Inspire Based on The Four Pillars of “One Planet One People” — Civility, Social Responsibility, Volunteerism & Global Citizenship — Teaching Kindness, Diversity, Inclusion & Responsibility through Life Skills
Cause: To Solve Many of the Social Problems Facing Society We Need to Engage & Inspire Youth of All Ages through Planned Acts of Kindness and Increased Civility
Problem: The Youth of Today & Tomorrow are Frustrated and Upset about the World they are Inheriting as Society’s Seemingly Insurmountable Problems are Due to Become their Problems
Consequence: Children and Young Adults are Becoming Increasingly Isolated, Lonely, Anxious, Frustrated, and Upset and are More Likely to Exhibit Self-Destructive Behavior, or Engage in Abusive, Anti-Social Actions
Solution: Provide Youth in Schools — from four to 18 years old — with HEART-based action programs starting with Daily Planned Acts of Kindness they can do in school, with family, friends, and in the community where they achieve recognition & rewards based on their positive behavior. This system builds and strengthens relationships and leads to a stronger sense of community — both keys to living happier and healthier lives while acting as a support network that helps lessen the damaging effects of problems.
Corporate Action: “Be The Hero!” and Help Bring HEART Education for Quality of Life (E-QL) into Schools Around The World!
Boost your company’s Leadership, Management, Team Building and Transformative Public Relations on a local, regional, national, and global scale as you form groups that bring HEART-centered kindness and civility programs into schools for children of all ages. Hold competitions, events and fund-raisers with Leaderboards and employee recognition and rewards components. Challenge other departments, divisions, or even companies
Works in conjunction with Collaboration Impact Areas to reduce abuse, violence, loneliness, anxiety, isolation, depression, mental health issues in children (and adults) and promote healthy relationships and stronger community ties.
Collaboration Impact Area: Violence, Crime & Mental Illness Reduction leading to greater Health, Happiness & Wellness in individuals and billions of dollars in societal cost savings.
Cause: Putting “civil” back into civilization by restoring socialization skills in children, youth, and adults’ daily behaviors.
Problem: Individuals, influencers, companies, and governments are becoming increasingly divisive and intolerant, leading to increased mental illness, violence, and crime.
Consequence: The lack of civility harms people’s Quality of Life on both sides of the issue while escalating the cost to society in terms of actual dollars.
Solution:Add Planned Acts of Kindness activities into people’s lives through a network of programs and initiatives that form a civility-based support system. Programs start with school children as young as four years old and continue throughout adult life through collaborations with faith-based and non-profit organizations, higher education, companies, and governments.
Corporate Action: Form teams to engage the stakeholders of various target groups, from school children (students, parents, principals, superintendents of education, influencers, mayors, governors) to the incarcerated (families, wardens, superintendents of prisons, congress) to establish quantifiable prevention programs.
By providing programs in schools and prisons for every 100,000 people we prevent from going to prison or returning to prison, we save taxpayers and society *$54.5 billion annually.
• The United States has the largest prison population in the world at 2.2 million incarcerated — equal to the combined total of the two most populous countries in the world China and India. However, China and India have 10 times the population of the United States
• The annual cost of the 2.2 million incarcerated to U.S. taxpayers and society is $1.2 trillion — that’s trillion, not billions
• In comparison, the Medicare and Medicaid healthcare programs benefit 154 million Americans annually at a total cost of $1.4 trillion
• One goal of our NPOs is to establish a series of support programs that reduce the prison population and save the American public $54.5 billion for every 100,000 people — money that is desperately needed elsewhere
• But enacting our Quality of Life programs have even greater benefits for People & Society:
Greater Respect • Greater Tolerance • Greater Civility
Less Abusive Behaviors • Better Relationships
Less Anxiety, Loneliness & Depression
Lower Drug Use • Fewer Suicides
Less Mental Health Issues
Lower Violence Rates
Lower Murder Rates
Lower Crime Rates
In Short Happier, Healthier People & Stronger Families, Neighborhoods, Communities, Businesses & Government
The Collaboration Think Tank Network addresses the most pressing problems humanities faces — from climate change, pollution, pandemics, and war to global economic, health, and social inequalities that threaten the Quality of Life for kids, people, and the planet.
Cause: Collaborating to Achieve the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Problem: We are using a Fractional approach to solve Global Issues & it will not work.
Consequence: Over the next decade, 8 billion people will undergo catastrophic economic, social, and health issues.
Solution: One Planet One People’s Collaboration Think Tank is designed to bring together Influencers and Institutions to provide actionable solutions, programs, products, and delivery systems to improve people’s Quality of Life around the world and prevent the Tipping Points from causing wholesale massive destruction.
Corporate Action: Demonstrate your company’s CSR leadership and invite clients, prospects, suppliers, influencers, partners, competitors and institutional players including government agencies, non-profits, and universities — to join the Collaboration Think Tank Network and work to deliver actionable solutions for individuals (from the grassroots up) to organizations (working the top down).
Action: “Be The Hero!” and be part of the solution by becoming a member of the Collaboration Think Tank Network as an Ambassador, Volunteer, Influencer, or Institutional Partner. All nationalities, all languages, all welcome. Learn more and sign-up through the PAK App.
One Planet One People Clubs: Addressing the most pressing problems we face: from climate change, pollution, pandemics, and war to global economic, health, and social inequalities that threaten the Quality of Life for kids, people, and the planet
Cause: Help People develop real world skill training while helping other people around the World achieve better Quality of Life outcomes through Collaborative Programs, Books, Events & Initiatives regardless of Nationality, Race, Religion, Age, Gender, Education or Income
Problem: Most Educational Systems don’t provide us (or our children) with Real World Social & Skill Development that has a Direct Positive Impact on Other People’s Quality of Life
Consequence: Students and Graduates often don’t develop the practical skills they need in their lives and careers until they are out of school, and billions of people never receive the support they need to enhance their health, happiness, and wellness.
Solution: To Provide Youth and Adults with a Support Program that Helps Them Build Quality Relationships, Skills and a Strong Sense of Community While Doing Engaging Activities that Provide Quality of Life for People Around the World.
Corporate Action: “Be The Hero!” and help bring One Planet One People Clubs into schools, companies and communities on a local, national or global scale. May include collaborations with sports teams, influencers, celebrities, etc. Also, provides a pathway for company employees to volunteer and/or mentor others.
Our Mission is to have 1POP Clubs in all 200 countries by the end of 2024 providing social, skill, and community development to hundreds of millions. Only with your help and support will we make it happen this quickly.
Education & Action Books That Engage & Inspire Behavioral Transformation
Education & Action Books That Engage & Inspire Behavioral Transformation

ONE: The Fight for Survival of the Human Race
Your Guide to the Collaborative Programs & Initiatives Needed to Help Solve Social, Environmental & Economic Issues on a Local to Global Scale at your Company, Faith-Based Non-Profit Organization, Gov’t Agency, School, Network or Home
RE: Social Responsibility. The ONE book helps people & organizations …
- understand why we are failing to solve local, national, and global issues on an individual and institutional level
- learn how we — as individuals and members of organizations — can work together on achieving the United Nations 17 SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals)
- use kindness and action to positively impact issues from mental health to numbers of people in the prison system
- discover ways they can push back against the six major tipping points that will affect quality of life for billions of people on the planet over the next few years
- identify groundbreaking, innovative programs and initiatives that work to solve real-world problems for everyone regardless of nationality, race, religion, age, gender, education, or income
- bring quality of life programs and initiatives directly to the attention of institutions including schools, faith-based, non-profits, government agencies and businesses
Working Dead
Working Dead
The Essential Money Management Book for Yourself, Your Family & Your Future
The Working Dead helps people:
- Understand why this country is in a financial crisis and how Wall Street, Banks, Companies, Universities, and the Government profit from it
- Learn important financial concepts that are not being taught on any educational level even if you majored in finance, economics, or business
- Analyze where they are financially
- Set their personal and financial goals & dare to dream again
- With proven programs that give them the foundation to become financially independent

The Essential Money Management Book for Yourself, Your Family & Your Future

The Working Dead helps people:
- Understand why this country is in a financial crisis and how Wall Street, Banks, Companies, Universities, and the Government profit from it
- Learn important financial concepts that are not being taught on any educational level even if you majored in finance, economics, or business
- Analyze where they are financially
- Set their personal and financial goals & dare to dream again
- With proven programs that give them the foundation to become financially independent
16 Things We All Can Do
16 Things We All Can Do
Featuring Solutions & Actions Plans by 32 of the Best & Brightest Experts
Plus Free Access to One Planet One People Book-Based Workshops & Clubs

This 16 Things Mental Health book helps people:
- Understand the global perspective on mental health
- Understand the behaviors that fall under mental health problems
- Recognize and identify red flag behaviors that can lead to more serious consequences
- Understand what we can do to help address problems before they escalate and tip
- Understand why it’s important to take action on these issues
Please Note: *16 Things books can be produced on any SDG subject including Mental Health, Sustainability, Pollution, Green Energy, Kindness & Civility, Abuse, Gender Tolerance, Autism, Food Loss, Waste & Hunger, Personal Finance, Greek Life, Education, Equality, Etc.
Each book features 16 problems and solutions addressed by two experts per issue who share what we must do to solve the problem and why we must take action. Experts can come from one or multiple disciplines or, if appropriate, can be from a targeted group, i.e., celebrities, athletes, business leaders, scientists, influencers, government officials, coaches, etc.
Legacy Lifelines Memorial Book
Legacy Lifelines Memorial Book
Keeping the Joy & Happiness of a Lost Loved One, Alive for You & Your Family & Future Generations
The Legacy Lifelines Memorial book helps:
- Bring Your Loved Ones’ Life to Light
- Helps Heal from Loss
- Forge Stronger Connections
- Create Joy & Happiness
- Keeps Loved One Alive in Hearts & Minds
- Helps Build Generational Bonds

Keeping the Joy & Happiness of a Lost Loved One, Alive for You & Your Family & Future Generations
The Legacy Lifelines Memorial book helps:
- Bring Your Loved Ones’ Life to Light
- Helps Heal from Loss
- Forge Stronger Connections
- Create Joy & Happiness
- Keeps Loved One Alive in Hearts & Minds
- Helps Build Generational Bonds
Instruction & Guidance from the Source — Author & Educator, Lyle Benjamin
Instruction & Guidance from the Source — Author & Educator, Lyle Benjamin

Social Responsibility Entrepreneur: Lyle Benjamin (BA, University of Florida) has been creating and developing self-help books, magazines, games, programs, and systems for over 35 years. Benjamin is the Founder of the 501(c)3 Not-For-Profit Educational Organizations, Planned Acts of Kindness & One Planet One People and has created over 40 Work/Life Balance CSR programs & initiatives for businesses, non-profit organizations, schools, and government. Benjamin is a licensed Financial Advisor & author of “The Working Dead: The Essential Guide on How to Protect, Save & Invest for Yourself, Your Family & Your Future.
Work/Life Balance
Work/Life Balance
By participating in the Work/Life Balance Collaborative Course, you will Learn the Systems you need to Properly

- Improve Company Culture
- Optimize HR Recruitment & Retainment
- Lower Costs & Exceed HR & CSR Goals
- Enact Employee & Family Benefits Programs
- Institute Organizational Team Building
- Expand Management & Leadership Roles
- Implement Sustainability Initiatives
- Enhance Branding, Marketing & Public Relations
- Exceed Shareholder & Stakeholder Objectives
The Work/Life Balance Collaborative Course
The Work/Life Balance Collaborative Course

Unlocks the Power of CSR to Supercharge Your Company!
Participants come away with …
- a detailed CCIP (Customized Collaboration Impact Plan) specific to their organization’s needs and objectives
- the knowledge of how to use our proprietary PMOROS Project Management System
- the capability to scale up, manage and lead projects and teams more efficiently and effectively
- the ability to elicit greater work satisfaction from participants
Course Content
Course Content
WEEK 1: Introductions, Overview, Integration & Achievements
WEEK 2: Career & Project Management Training
WEEK 3: CSR Solutions: Team Building & Volunteer Initiatives
WEEK 4: Supplemental Custom Benefit Programs
WEEK 5: Creating Your Custom Company Game Plan
WEEK 6: Live Integration Team Presentations
- Introductions
- Lesson 1: Course Overview & *Four Essential CSR Foundation Areas
- Lesson 2: The Upcoming Corporate Crisis (& it’s not AI)
- Lesson 3: Providing 3 Key Solutions through Transformative CSR Programs
- Lesson 4: Quality of Life CSR Programs that Positively Impact HR to ROI
- Homework: Review CSR Programs & Choose Your Live Integration
- Live Integration & Office Hours Class
*Four Essential Foundation Areas:
- Internal & External Corporate Social Responsibility
- CSR Team Building Programs
- Career Track Management
- Personal, Family & Financial Development
- Introduction & Overview: Employee’s Need for Training & Development
- Lesson 1: The Essential Eight Foundation Skills
- Lesson 2: The PMOROS Project Management System Explained
- Lesson 3: How to Create & Use Action PAKs
- Lesson 4: Create an Action PAK for Your Live Integration
- Homework: Research & Populate POI Connections
- Live Integration & Office Hours Class
- Introduction & Overview: Creating Inspiration, Action & Transformation
- Lesson 1: Conventional Thinking vs. Unconventional Thinking
- Lesson 2: The Problems Associated with Omission and Impotence
- Lesson 3: The Solutions & Benefits Come from Impact, Achievement & Recognition
- Lesson 4: Exploring Options & Outlining Goals
- Homework: Survey to Management and Employees
- Live Integration & Office Hours Class
- Introduction & Overview: Understanding Your Whys
- Lesson 1: Key Financial Concepts Not Taught by Universities
- Lesson 2: The Four Blocks to Constructing Your Financial Foundation
- Lesson 3: What Does Your 401K Really Provide?
- Lesson 4: How Offering the Right Plan Can Boost Recruitment & Retainment
- Homework: Complete Your “Financial Needs” Analysis
- Live Integration & Office Hours Class
Your company needs this program when your employee benefits plan doesn’t include these four foundations: Safety, Growth, Protections, and Zero Taxation.
- Introduction & Overview: Exceeding Corporate, Employee, Stakeholder, Shareholder Objectives
- Lesson 1: What’s Your Cause? Solving the SDGs with “The Collaboration Think Tank Network”
- Lesson 2: Restoring Kindness & Civility through Education, Action, Recognition & Rewards Programs
- Lesson 3: Sustainability Programs
- Lesson 4: Books, Workshops & Communities: How to Create Behavioral Change on a Local, National & Global Scale
- Lesson 5: Campaigns & Challenges: Volunteers, Team building, CSR, PR & Quality of Life Impact
- Homework: Final Assessment Checklist
- Live Integration & Office Hours Class
- Introductions & Presentations
- Moving Forward to a Sustainable “Quality of Life” Future
- Certifications, Recognition & Awards
- Pizza Party
- Homework: Survey
- Live Integration Follow-up & Office Hours Class
- PMOROS Project Management System
- Teambuilding
- Homework
- Surveys
- Real World Quality of Life Program
Frequently Asked Questions – FAQS
Frequently Asked Questions – FAQS
A: This course is designed for HR professionals, management professionals, PR professionals, entrepreneurs, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) practitioners, and sustainability enthusiasts. It is suitable for individuals who want to learn how to incorporate work/life balance programs and initiatives to improve their company’s performance in various areas such as CSR, HR, PR, branding, and corporate culture.
Neglecting work/life balance can lead to employee burnout, decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, and lower employee satisfaction. It can also have negative impacts on employee mental and physical health, strain personal relationships, and hinder innovation within the organization.
A: Implementing work/life balance programs can lead to numerous benefits for a company, including increased productivity, higher employee satisfaction, improved retention rates, and enhanced employer branding. It also contributes to better brand reputation, supports CSR initiatives, and creates a competitive advantage in the market.
A: HR and management professionals can implement various strategies, such as offering flexible work arrangements such as Work/Life Hubs; creating a supportive culture that values work/life balance; providing programs and initiatives that resonate with employee objectives (not just company profits); promoting effective time management practices.
A: Companies that prioritize work/life balance tend to attract and retain top talent. Skilled professionals value organizations that offer a supportive and balanced work environment. By promoting work/life balance, companies increase their chances of attracting talented individuals who seek a fulfilling work-life integration.
A: Yes, implementing work/life balance programs can lead to cost savings in multiple ways. It reduces recruitment and retention costs by attracting and retaining employees more effectively. It also improves productivity and reduces absenteeism, leading to greater efficiency and time savings for the company.
A: Work/life balance initiatives create a more engaging and supportive corporate culture. They foster employee well-being, enhance employee satisfaction and morale, and promote healthy work-life integration. By prioritizing work/life balance, companies can cultivate a positive corporate culture that attracts and retains talent.
A: Yes, work/life balance programs can align with and support CSR and sustainability objectives. By incorporating initiatives that promote work/life balance, companies demonstrate their commitment to the well-being of their employees, contractors, and their families. This contributes to positive company culture and enhances overall sustainability efforts.
A: Implementing work/life balance programs can positively impact HR by improving employee satisfaction, retention rates, and recruitment effectiveness. It enhances PR efforts by showcasing the company’s commitment to employee and community well-being. It also strengthens branding and boosts ROI by attracting top talent, increasing productivity, and creating a positive employer brand image. (Similarly impacts shareholders and stakeholders).
A: This course provides step-by-step guidance on incorporating transformative work/life balance initiatives. It offers insights into producing engaging CSR programs, creating effective sustainability programs, improving brand reputation, gaining a competitive advantage, boosting employee performance and satisfaction, and expanding management and leadership roles within the organization.
A: This program is designed for companies or organizations that aim to improve their relationships with clients, customers, employees, communities, and the general public. It is suitable for professionals in HR, CSR, management, and those interested in boosting corporate culture and implementing work/life balance initiatives.
A: HR professionals can benefit from this course by improving recruitment and talent acquisition. It provides access to a larger candidate pool, higher caliber candidates, and shorter recruitment time periods. It also lowers the costs of employee recruitment, enhances employee engagement and retention, reduces transitions and employment gaps, and improves efficiency in recruitment and training processes.
A: Management professionals can expect benefits such as consistent processes and systems, improved brand reputation, reduced costs of employee retention, effective performance management, opportunities for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), leadership development, conflict resolution and employee relations, increased revenue, and greater profits.
A: The course helps improve corporate culture by increasing productivity, enhancing employee engagement and satisfaction, promoting employee health and wellness, extending employment periods, fostering a more competitive staff, cultivating a highly skilled workforce, deepening connections among staff, boosting morale, improving employee loyalty, and enhancing the overall corporate culture.
A: Yes, the course provides guidance on developing and implementing groundbreaking, transformative CSR programs and sustainability initiatives. It covers topics such as CSR strategy and implementation, creating and sustaining a positive company culture, change management, and gaining a competitive advantage in the market through CSR and sustainability efforts.
A: This course helps organizations provide career training programs to boost employee performance and satisfaction. It assists in establishing no-cost employee/contractor custom benefits programs, implementing global impact team building and volunteer programs, and creating health, happiness, and wellness rewards programs that benefit employees, communities, and the company. It also helps attract and retain employees, customers, and clients through charitable giving partnerships.
A: By the end of this course, participants will:
- Learn and obtain certification in the priority Project Management System (PMOROS)
- Experience firsthand the benefits of work/life balance programs or initiatives
- Identify CSR programs and initiatives to boost shareholder and stockholder satisfaction
- Identify employee programs to improve recruitment and lower recruitment costs
- Identify employee programs to enhance retainment and lower retainment costs
- Learn about licensed government-regulated custom benefits programs and their benefits
- Understand how to change the needle on company culture within six months
- Discover methods to boost PR outreach and engagement without increasing the budget
- Learn how kindness and collaboration can improve return on investment
– Understand how to boost CSR, HR, PR, branding, ROI, and corporate culture objectives through non-profit partnerships.
A: The course is divided into six modules, covering topics such as the critical need for corporate social responsibility, team building and volunteer programs, career track management, personal and financial development, creating a custom game plan to exceed objectives, and more. Weekly integrations include the PMOROS Project Management System, team-building exercises, homework assignments, surveys, and real-world quality of life programs.
A: By participating in this course, you will learn systems to improve company culture, optimize HR recruitment and retainment, lower costs, exceed HR and CSR goals, enact employee and family benefits programs, institute organizational team building, expand management and leadership roles, implement sustainability initiatives, enhance branding, marketing, and public relations, and exceed shareholder and stakeholder objectives.
A: The course is instructed by Lyle Benjamin, a social responsibility entrepreneur, author, and educator. He has over 35 years of experience in creating and developing self-help books, magazines, games, programs, and systems. Lyle Benjamin is the founder of the 501(c)3 not-for-profit educational organizations, Planned Acts of Kindness and One Planet One People, and has created over 40 work/life balance CSR programs and initiatives.
A: The course fees are as follows:
$ 99.00 — Books and Materials
$6,800.00 — Work/Life Balance Collaborative Course
Early Adaptor Discount 50% (July 11th Course only)
$3,400.00 — Discounted Rate
$2,500.00 — Additional Team Members
Group Rates for Teams of 12 or — Contact Us
Enterprise Rates for Monthly Teams — Contact Us
A: Yes, these are the optional integrations available:
Option 1: W/LBC Course with Management & Leadership Integration:
• 2 additional hours per week
• Fee: $2,900
Option 2: Custom Cause-Driven Company Book Production:
2A – Rush: 10,000 Books, 8-12 Weeks, 2 additional hours per week (~14 weeks)
2B – Standard: 10,000 to 250,000 Books, 16-20 Weeks, 1 additional hour per week (~22 weeks)
2C – Extended: 100,000 to 250,000 Books, 32-36 Weeks, 1 additional hour per week (~22 weeks)
2D – Mixed: 10,000 Books, 16-20 Weeks; 32-36 Weeks, 100,000 to 250,000 Books, 32-36 Weeks, 1 additional hour per week (~22 weeks)
Options & Pricing are available upon request.
A: The proceeds from the course help support the educational outreach, engagement, inspiration, and action programs of the not-for-profit organizations Planned Acts of Kindness and One Planet One People. These organizations work towards creating positive social impact and promoting collaborative efforts for a better future.
A: If you have any further questions or need additional information, please feel free to reach out to us. We are here to support your learning journey and help you achieve success in implementing work/life balance programs and initiatives. During the course, you will be provided with additional contact information and systems.
Please add the following subject: Work/Life Balance Course
Direct Message: 212 213-0257

— Jack Canfield
Best Selling Author of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” and “The Success Principles”
“What you’re doing is great. I’m glad you’re taking on this project. We definitely need it. We’ve become so, let’s just call, divided in our country and when we are just talking being human beings, about solving problems we all share, it doesn’t matter what side of the political spectrum you’re on.”

— Iman Biock Aghay
Founder of Success Road Academy, Author of the Best-Selling “Ultimate Course Formula”
“As a serial entrepreneur specializing in collaborative education and business systems, my goal is to impact one hundred million people over my lifetime. With the collaboration systems and initiatives Lyle created and detailed in The ONE Book, I think I can reach my goals within years not decades. If you want to make a major impact, it’s that powerful.”

— Steve Harrison
Bradley Communications. Launched “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” “Chicken Soup for the Soul” “Men Are From Mars …
“I really see how this program can be a game changer. It’s tremendously ambitious, but it has what it takes to make it happen.”